Ever vigilant in my quest to save us all, I've barely dropped the remote for a week. You're quite welcome. I consider it a privilege to serve you. I'm purposefully leaving out the part about the game being for Silas and it being set to "easy" and my still being on the first level. He's also stomped me at bowling.
I hope you had a lovely holiday. We here at Casa de Silence made it through relatively intact, save for a minor skirmish with the plague. While rendered prone with my suffering I finished reading Wally Lamb's lastest doorstop novel. While I found it quite enjoyable as a whole, one thing in particular grated on my nerves. This style of writing? where you ask a question? in the middle of the sentence? and then answer it? Me? I promise I will never everevereverever use it again. Pinky swear. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish but it felt forced and out of place in an otherwise extremely well written novel. Thus ends my literary critique of The Hour I First Believed.
In other news, I got an award! I did! My first one. As soon as I figure out what to do with it, or how to get it and pass it on, I'll let you know. I also have an interview to do (I'm so important) and several memes, one of which involves a photo. Where will I find the time? I may even post more than twice this month. If I can drop the wii remote, that is.
hey!!! Glad you had a great time with the holidays... we got a Wii as well... aren't they evil and addicting? Let's just say it is a miracle I made it to work today!!
The thing is freaking addictive isn't it? My eldest has Rayman as well. She drives me crazy because she can imitate their scream. ARGGHHH!
It was funny the first time she did it. My mistake was laughing. I even threatened to sell her to gypsies if she did it again. To which, she screamed. Like the rabids.
Santa informed me that we wouldn't be receiving a Wii until next year, which is probably a good thing.
Sure hope you do start posting more, I was beginning to think you'd died. And that would be a shame because you're funny shit.
Oh welcome to the land of Wii! You'll spend many hours here and as you've seen, it's a difficult place to escape. I have to admit, I have no idea what Wabbids you speak of.
Isn't it nice to step back to blogland and find you desk piled high with memes and such?
I want a Wii, but we have too many other gaming systems. ;-)
I'll live vicariously through you all.
I have a Wii too. Err... my son has a Wii, I use it all the time, LOL.
My fave game is MarioKart. Oh yeah... =)
I so want a Wii-
That wabbit game looks funny :)
I'm jealous of your Wii-ness!
You know that thing you hate? Using a question mark in the middle of a sentence and then answering it. I hate it in novels but don't mind it in blogs. Well, I hated it in blogs at first but then in writing me own? I found that it is sometimes the best way to write how I talk. I suppose I am annoying both in print and in person. Or so I've been told.
Good to hear you survived the holidays. Congratulations on your award. Now, go on! Back to the wabbits!
If I let a Wii in my house, I will never see my husband again. He would just take up residence in front of the TV.
It's actually nice to find a blog where I don't have to catch up on 15 million posts written in the time I've been gone.
Welcome back! Missed you. I think I should just stay away from the Wii. The last thing I need is another addiction....
i love Raymon! did you get the first one or the 2nd? i have the first, and my son and i had a blast with it.
You're way cute, you Wii addict, you. I'm sure all that Easy Bowling is burning off the holiday calories, of course. I understand Wii is a GREAT way to get exercise (better even than, say, going for a walk!).
I read the Wally Lamb over break, too. I couldn't figure out why he needed to go quite so epic--Columbine PLUS Iraq vets PLUS the prison system PLUS family demons. I felt, too, that some of his language when he was writing the hundred-years-ago letters wasn't quite right. All my complaints aside, though, the last twenty or thirty pages were the pay off for me, when the various dramas of his life fell away and he was able to enjoy his hard-won peace.
So, um, there?
I'm still trying to make it to the front of the line for the Wii in my house. Nobody is showing me a lick of respect. Who tells their mama to Go to the back of the line!?
Thank you for saving us from those horrible wabbids, Shania! I am sleeping better every night.
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