And so has Pickles. Although she loves the snow when it's not over her head.
The big lump up there? It is the husband's truck.
And that? up there? That's my new car I was fixin to tell you about before my stupid house burned. (not linking, too sad. scroll down, it's the last post)This is what it looks like when it's not hiding out in a snow drift.
Not my picture, obviously. Since I have no HOUSE, or CAMERA, or GARAGE for it to live in and not get a billion tons of snow on it. Did you know that with a convertible, you have to go out and sweep the snow off the roof every five seconds or the roof will collapse from the weight? True. Snow sweeping aside, I lovelovelove this car! It's the bright spot in my otherwise dreary existence of looking at rental after rental after rental. I thought having the dogs would be the problem in renting a house. But noooo, it's that no one wants to do a six month lease. My thinking is that six months worth of money is better than no money, but they'd rather let the house sit empty and get nothing. Me no unnerstand.
What I do understand is that I MUST get out of this hotel or I will pull a Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I've got a few more to look at on Monday, providing we're dug out by then. We've got 7' drifts out in the parking lot, but the roads are clear. I guess that's one bright side to not being at home. If I were at home, I'd have no power (it went out at 9pm Friday) and I'd truly be stuck because they won't get to our road until probably Monday night. So see? Bright side to everything! I'm going to go sob quietly in the bathroom now. Please don't tell anyone where I am.