Saturday, September 26, 2009

Take a breath...

...September is almost over! What a crazy month it is for us. Silas had his first day of school in August, then, before I knew what happened, he woke up as a six guy:

There were wishes to be made and cake to be eaten:

There were parties to be had at the water park:

We had our first soccer game:

(somewhere in between here, we had my fortymumblemumble birthday and eleventh wedding anniversary)

Then we were off to the beach for my auntie's wedding:

Where there were dogs who wear eyeshadow:

and little redheaded babies that make my ovaries ache:

Then off to play in the sand before coming home:

Now for a slight breather before starting the holiday rush.


Ashley said...

Wow! You have been busy. You're almost forgiven your abscense.


Mrs.C said...

So good to see you back! I kept checking in and you hadn't blogged. oh, in the future, stop showing chubby redheaded babies - it makes my ovaries hurt too.

Candy said...

Silas is a BIG BOY now! How'd that happen?? Looks like an awesome time, lady.

Sweetly Single said...


Happy Be-lated Birthday you young hottie you!

Dingo said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

That is one cute and happy looking dog. Must've had some wedding cake.

Aunt Jackie said...

Lovely photos! I came by to check on WWC peeps, but these will do too!

I'm back trying at the WWC and posted mine, and just trying to stop by and visit everyone, since things have been so hectic I haven't had much time.

I feel terrible when I neglect to visit everyone.

Tamara said...

Happy belated to you and Silas! Why no pics of your party? ;-)

Jocelyn said...

Silas in his soccer kit! Silas in his soccer kit! I YUV the kiddos in their li'l soccer kits!

Oh, yea, and congrats on being 40ish and 11-ty married and stuff. Everything is such a good accomplishment,

especially Silas in his soccer kit!!!

kanishk said...

So good to see you back! I kept checking in and you hadn't blogged. oh, in the future, stop showing chubby redheaded babies -

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