livin the thug life
Yes, that's my five year old. Why yes! those are itty bitty teeny tiny bling filled brass knuckles*. They fit him perfectly. And he is wearing aviators. and a bandana. Right now he's standing in the front yard flashing gang signs to the neighbors. They're all hiding behind their blinds, quaking in fear of the thug next door. Soon, he'll put away his bling, hop on his scooter and come in for a glass of milk. But until then, you best be steppin careful, yo.
*They actually go on a chain for a real (pretend) thug to wear as a necklace. He found them at the beach while I was looking at purses.
such a great photo
I'm a skeered!
What a cutie though. For realz.
lol that's one way to make sure your neighbors don't bother you
Just don't tell him the brass knuckles go up one joint higher. Worn right there? The only thing he's going to hurt ... is his own poor knuckles.
Does he have a tough-looking scar, from when that dog tried to take his face off?
Now THAT'S street cred.
He looks like a rapper trying to fend off paparazzi. Go, L'il Man!
Too funny!
Hope your back is feeling better...
LOL awesome. And he's the cutest street thug I've ever seen. =)
Too cute! And at least he isn't afraid to try new things!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Can I borrow those, um, four-fingered rings? I gotta take care of some bidness here in da hood. Fo shizzle.
I couldn't see his grill? You did buy him a grill right? and a tattoo.
I'm with bernthis- where's the grill? And the big diamond necklace with his first name initial hanging from it?
Just think of it as "something to talk about" when he tells people how he grew up... LOL
Thats cool!
does he also spill some milk from his sippy cup onto the ground...
you know, for his homies..
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