How Swine Flu really got started

blantantly stolen from wysiwyg here. Go by for the best collection of ???? on the web!
I'm mother to four, 24 year old The Dude, 22 year old Lucy Apples, 19 year old SweetieDarling and 6 year old Silas. Married to Sam and usually somewhat content but never satisfied. I am attempting to simplify my life and decrease the amount of stress and drama currently in it. I am failing miserably. ...see profile for more about me!
ICK!!! I am now outraged! What kind of fool would take a picture first before whisking that child away from that pig!?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. snort. and also, oink.
This is too cute! Pigs, actually, are very clean animals, when given a chance to be...
Hee hee...
That is a scream--and I hope it's lifting your spirits. I keep thinking of your back and just feeling for you.
Incidentally, from a few days back: the Picoult book I threw was, indeed, SISTER'S KEEPER. WTF with that ending?
I love pigs. They're getting a bad rap -- always have. Poor little piggy piggies.
THAT is awesome!
Hope you are doing better my sweetheart!
I've always loved pigs and thought they were cute. Great photo. Side note, yesterday on the bus a lady asked me to use hand sanatizer before she would sit next to me!
Ahahahahaha! That's awful... and adorable.
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