He was looked at by his pediatrician, who, just to shut me up (because I was all 'you're sure, absolutely positive, swear on your mother', etc....), sent us over to the opthamologist for a little look see. She dilated his pupils and had a good look around. He's peachy and he was thrilled to get to use the cool "look through" machine. I was entertained all afternoon as he stumbled around into things because his pupils were dilated.
That picture shook me up. Probably a combination of having always been a little worried about his eyes (he can move them independently and it skeeves me out), having read a novel a few months ago about a little boy who had that disease, and then reading the msnbc article two days before I downloaded that picture. It was like the perfect storm I tell ya. All the factors needed for a complete mommy meltdown.
So thanks for being kind and patient and only rolling your eyes when I wasn't looking. I do appreciate it. You (and my good friend Ms. Xanax) helped me get some sleep when otherwise, I would have paced all night.
Now that we know Silas' eyes are fine, guess what I need? BIFOCALS!! You'll notice the capitalization, bolding AND italics? I can't believe it. I'm only 29. (With 12 years experience) At least I can get new glasses now, and keep them on instead of only needing them to read and then not being able to find them because they're on top of my head and who would think to look there? (see, good side to everything)
Awkward change of topic:
Saturday was my 10th wedding anniversary, and also my 41st birthday. If you've been around here any amount of time, you know that neither of these events inspired much of a celebratory atmosphere. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and I had a glass of Sangria. Did you know Sangria has alcohol in it? I did not. until it mixed with my prozac and I passed out. I didn't wake up in a panic attack on Saturday night, no sir. I wouldn't have awakened if you had burned my feet with a poker.
Because my Sunday night recap/update haven't decided what to call it yet post got pre-empted by my meltdown post, I'll leave you with the funniest pic I saw this week. Peace out, poppets.

LOL.. Well, gotta be careful of that damn webmd/google. Or you will be pregnant/have appendicitis/need to have your gall bladder removed before you know it.
Yay! Thank God he is fine. Don't whine about bifocals, woman. I'm pushing 40, and have had reading glasses for YEARS. LOL
Thak God! Because my Bloglines didn't have the update yet, and I came here to comment on how you are such a good Mom cathing that eye cancer early like that, and now I see the update. I would have freaked out exactly like that.
So glad everything is okay. And you'll have to pardon me if this early in our bloggy friendship I am presumptuous enough to say: I TOLD YOU SO!
I still google diseases now and again, even though I'm not supposed to.... And mixing drinks with anti-depressants? Ha! I'm the queen. But then again, I'm an alcoholic, so maybe you should lay off that. Hahahaha.
So glad to hear it really was nothing! =)
see? I knew everything was OK, but I'm sure YOU feel better being told that by medical professionals!
mmmm ... sangria ...
Glad to hear the good news. About Silas that is, not your glasses. But it's funny because that is what I did this past weekend and posted about it today. Happy belated Birthday!
Dr. Google is evil. EVIL!
I've never had that experience with alcohol and prozac. Bummer. Maybe I'm not drinking enough. Did you get my reply to why I hate prozac? It's an app thats supposed to e-mail you, but I don't know if it works.
Glad to hear that the little guy is fine.
So glad to hear that his eyes are OK. Your eyes are OK, too; bi-focals are no big deal, had them for many years.
41 is a good age to learn that lesson about sangria. And here you just thought it was a lovely fruit juice!
I am 41, too, love. I was put into bifocals at age 7. So it could be worse for you.
Of course, I was then taken out of them and am now back on course towards them a second time. Lots of indignity to that.
At any rate, I hope my comments can always help you to feel better about your own lot. Compared to me, you will always be healthy and smart.
Yay for Silas! (and you, sweetie)
And yea for Sangria and a good night sleep (even if it was verging on comatose)
And Oh mah holy hell - that picture is excellent!
The Internet your best yet worst source for diagnosising your family's health issues.
Thank goodness he's ok. And Olive Garden and Sangria laced with Prozac? That's what I call a celebration baby!
hahahha that is a good one.
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