Three books I've always meant to read, but haven't:

Stephen King, The Dark Tower VII
It's not that I just haven't read this book, it's that I don't want to. I don't want the Gunslinger's search for the tower to end. After investing 26 years, thousands of pages, and weeks if not months of reading about Roland and his ka-tet, I just don't want it to end. And if I don't read the last book, it won't. And if you're trying to tell me how it ends, I'm not listening, la la la la la.....

Beautiful Boy, David Sheff
Being the grand daughter of four alcoholic grandparents, and the daughter of an alcoholic father, my genes have polluted and corrupted my children. My heritage has made them more susceptible to the hell that is addiction. Anything I can read that will help me guide them away from that path is on my to read list.

The One Page Business Plan, Jim Horan
Because I need a plan and one page sounds about right.
Two books that changed my life:

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent girls, Mary Pipher and Ruth Ross; and

Trees make the best mobiles, Jessica Teich and Brandel France de Bravo
These two books taught me so much about how to protect and nurture those fragile beings that are children. Of course, should you ask any of my brood, I'm dumb as a rock.
One book I've talked about since I've read it:

My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult.
This is the one of the few books I've read that got me engaged and invested enough in the story and characters that I threw the book across the room at the end. I was so angry and disappointed and sad. But I read it again. It made me remember that everything isn't always as it seems, that there is always another point of view, and another set of beliefs.
There you have it. And I had to think about it too.
See, my problem with the Dark Tower series is that they came out sooooo farrrrr apaaart that I can't remember the first one. And it's one I don't own, so I have to go buy the whole series and start over from the beginning.
Wait. Buy? Books? Okay, I just figured out what my stepson is going to pay me to live in my house. Books. (he works at B&N)
The book Beautiful Boy looks really good! My grandparents are alcoholics too and I can relate.
Wow, what a surprise - I totally agree with Ree about the Dark Tower books. I CAN"T REMEMBER THE FIRST ONE! I'm going to have to re-read them all now aren't I.
I have always wanted to read Reviving Ophelia, but I'll confess. I guess I knew I wasn't going to have the guts to do anything different about my daughter's childhood, and I just didn't want to know what I was doing wrong. Horrible, I know. Self-help books are such a bitch sometimes.
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