Well folks, spring is in the air. I have pulled myself out of my pit of despair (that's not to say that I won't crawl back in) long enough to determine that a few things need to be tended to 'round heyah. Hoof trimming being numero uno on the list. After a long, cold, dark winter in boots and trainers, my feet tend to look like this:

Those aren't really my feet, but close enough.
With piglet off with Him doing manly things that involve much spitting, hitching up of overalls, and mud, Sweetie Darling and I are off to the salon (pronounced SAL-lon) for a mani-pedi. Cosmos for me, bat blood for her (she's one of those dark, broody creatures who peer out from under a fringe of black hair long enough for you to see the Alice Cooper makeup) yeah, more on that later. Hopefully, I shall return fluffed and buffed, and good as new.
FBNOML (yup, First Born Not Of My Loins) used to sport that look, too. I was so happy when that phase was over.
I'm so sorry about Maximus.
Hey, I got here from Candy's corner. Do you KNOW how many fans of Toe Porn are going to visit your site now?
Oh, and the bully's mom will defend her kid, and then beat him with an umbrella the next time she sees him bully anyone. The same thing happened to Gary 40+ years ago. Gary, surprisingly, was the bully.
Ok, seriously. Those feet cannot be anywhere close to your feet.
I refuse to believe it.
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