So behold, the temporary world headquarters of Casa de Silence:
(lifted straight from the realtors site)
Please, do come in:

entry from the middle landing:

Step into my parlor:
The second parlor on the opposite side of the entry will not be shown. It has been appropriated by the husband and turned into a man cave. the shame..

The realtor called this the sunroom. Because it's sunny. The genius, it astounds you. The picture was taken from the 'breakfast kitchen'. Which is around the corner from the 'lunch and dinner kitchen'. Yeah, two kitchens. I have no idea either.

The fenced in (woo!) backyard, which was on the spring garden tour last year. I hope it's not this year. That would entail me picking up poop.
The house was built in 1840 and has quite a colorful history. It was a hospital during the civil war, a brothel, doctor's home and office, and rehab. Unfortunately, I've encountered no ghosts as of yet. I'll keep you posted.
It's like you're royalty or something. YOU LIVE IN A BROTHEL!!!! And when you have time, will you email me the history of it being a rehab? I might actually know the people who ran it. I have this book....
It's gorgeous!!!
Damn! I would never leave.
So glad you found a place!!
Genial fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
OH MAH HOLY HELL. That is the most beautiful thing I've seen....
Wow. Swanky rental you have there!
Shut UP. I swear: you guys just joined the cast of West Wing or something--it looks so richy Washington D.C. and all.
Will you need to slap me if I try to assert that the fire might have been a good thing, if it means you get to live in this beautiful beast?
Btw, Anonymous' comment here is my all-time favorite idiotic spam.
I hope you can use your time there to recover your balance, that's quite a bumpy ride you have been having.
that is an absolutely beautiful home.....
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