Mah baaybehh! He has gone to school.
For the whole day.
As in 8 whole hours away from me.
I don't know what to do with myself right now. I've spent the past six years with this child velcroed to my side. Sometimes by choice, sometimes not.
I'm sure once I get accustomed to having some free time, I'll find ways to fill it. Hopefully with something that doesn't involve mindless shopping to fill the void that is my broken heart.
At least someone is happy about it:
Here he is on the steps of his little academy. That's what it's called. The Academy. My heart. I can't take it.

Here he has to sign in. All by himself. Without me helping. I feel so superfluous.

And here is the sign that I'm putting up right down the street from the school. It reflects my mood wonderfully.

So here I sit. I've finished the post. I guess I'll go clean the house.