Guess what I've done this week? Well, mostly nothing. But when I wasn't doing nothing, I was spending money. LOTS of money. And not on anything good like an Iphone or Prada bag. No, I dropped may-jah dollahs on an engine. For a dump truck. I usually don't talk about work stuff here (you know, I have been blogging for all of month now, so I can say usually, right?) because it's, well, boring. But I just have to get some opinions. If someone you hired to do a job neglected certain aspects of that job and the result of that neglect cost you upwards of $30,000, what would you do? OK, good answers. Now, let's say that the person is a family member that you have to interact with every day of your everlasting life (because he totally is). Now, what would you do? Little harder, huh?
As an aside, I don't mean to sound like I'm rolling around in the money over here. Trust me, after this little debacle, the only thing I'm rolling in is dirt. I guess it could've been worse.

My son really loves dump trucks, but sadly we don't have one! Not so fun spending money on stuff like that, huh?
Cruise on over to my blog for similar story.....
Now, I don't own a dump truck, but the everlastin' blazer that made me the coolest youth director on the block? It wants things now, and I don't want to pay for it.
If you could make that dumptruck go about 75mph, I would totally drive that to work. There would be NO slow drivers blocking my way! *Evil Laugh*
I came over from Hotfessional.
Ask the family member to split the cost? I don't know, but that's crappy all the way around.
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