Does anyone else waste hour upon hour looking at lolcats? I. Am. Addicted. I'm obsessed with getting to the front page. I've made it to the voting page several times but the illustrious honor of the front page has so far eluded me. And let's face it, all you other lolcat addicts out there (and you know who you are) the captions we come up with are so much funnier than the ones that make it. Don't you agree?
The odd part of this compulsion is that I'm not even a cat person. I have nothing against them, I just prefer huge honkin' dogs. So what do those evil geniuses do? They make a sister site for dog pictures! I'm doomed. Without further ado, my pics that should all have made the front page (if I do say so myself):

And my all time forever favorite, which isn't even mine:
Thank you, ladies and gentleman. I hope you've enjoyed this exhibition. The artist will be here all week.
And you so deserve the front page darling.
Those are pretty darn funny! I just don't have it in me to think of funny stuff like this!
Ahahahahahaha!!! I love the giraffe!
Those are priceless! Definitely front page worthy!
You rock at these! I can never think of anything funnier than the thing I see the first time I see it. Does that make sense?
I could spend days at that site but your highlights should be a regular thing.
The floor one? Snorted vodka through my nose. Burning..... burning....
I love the last one the best too. Too funny.
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